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Purus Sauna use a ceramic heater core coated with incoly, a highly effective metal in extreme temperature applications.The incoly coating distributes the heat evenly thoughout the heater, ensuring a consistent far-infrared wavelength. The heater housing, in conjunction with the heater, maximizes far-infrared generation towards the front of the sauna while minimizing any energy loss through the back of the sauna. Here is a little math to prove our claim about our new m-type heaters.

To find what micron level a heater is, you use Wein’s law. To do this, simply convert the temperature of that heater from Fahrenheit to Celsius, and then from Celsius to Kelvin. Then simply divide the temperature in Kelvin into 2,898. This will give you the microns at which the heater emits. Far infrared is absorbed by the human body best between 5 to 8 microns. Purus’s heaters are at 6.44 microns.


Purus’s infrared heaters are 350°F (Fahrenheit) which is 176.6°C (Celsius) which is 449.6°K (Kelvin).


To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, take the Fahrenheit temperature and subtract 32° from it. Then divide that number by 9 and then multiply your answer by 5. To convert to Celsius to Kelvin, you simply add 273° to the temperature in Celsius.


We now divide the number 2,898 by Purus’s infrared heater temperature in Kelvin:

2,898 ÷ 449.6°K = 6.44 microns. (µ)


Other manufacturers of infrared saunas claim to have a micron level of 9 or 10 microns and that is what is needed to get true far infrared. In order for this to be true, the heater temperature would have to be around 65°F. How could a sauna heater be 65°F?  This just doesn’t make sense. You can use Wein’s law to do the math yourself.


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